On this blog, the woman-hating of the right-wing public school author Jeremy Duns has been exposed already.
But Duns can't help himself - he despises women so much he keeps going.
Earlier this month, Dr Brooke Magnanti wrote a harmless articles for the Daily Telegraph about Valentine's Day. It was not great but not terrible.
That same day Duns launched a vicious attach on Brooke on Twitter accusing her of stealing the article from Wikipedia. There are some examples here - https://twitter.com/Neuro_Skeptic/status/302110888935178242
Here is the article.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/valentines-day/9867756/Valentines-Day-2013-A-history-of-romantic-and-not-so-romantic-Valentine-traditions.html
And here is the Wikipedia entry she is meant to have taken it from - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day
Now clearly some of the facts are the same. If you write about Valentine's Day you are going to cover some of the main ground as the entries in Wikipedia. But Brooke used her own words and her own analysis of the traditions she was writing about.
So why did Duns decide to heap abuse on her?
It is because Brooke is a strong, independent woman, who is not afraid to speak out on behalf of other women.
She has written courageously about how women can behave s they want to without being attacked for it - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/9874853/Drunk-or-flirty-women-who-are-attacked-do-not-ask-for-it.html
Wheres Duns likes to name his best writer of all time a man who can use a phrase like the 'sweet tang of rape'.
Brooke is everything that Duns had his gang of right-wing, public school pundits hate - a woman in control of her own life who works for other women.
There is culture of violence against women in our society that causes huge damage. Men like Duns encourage and celebrate it. That is why they have to be stopped.
Did you seet his,Maria? Jeremy Duns has been rewriting his own Wikipedia entry. There is, of course,now no mention of his mysogenistic tendencies. http://jeremydunsjournalist.wordpress.com/2013/05/15/jeremy-duns-rewrites-his-own-wikipedia-entry/